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Serve in Worship

Peace Lutheran offers many ways to serve in worship. It takes all of us together to make worship happen. Training is available to anyone wishing to participate!


Worship Assistant, Prayers & Communion Server - This person sings the Kyrie & Hymn of Praise, reads the prayers of the people, assists Pastor Diana with communion and dismisses the congregation at the end of worship service. If you do not feel comfortable singing, Stephen Jones can lead the sung parts.


Reader & Communion – This person reads the First Reading and Second Reading or Psalms and assists with communion.


Ushers – There are usually two ushers each service who are in charge of greeting each person entering the church, pass out bulletins, and encourage visitors to sign the guest book.   Ushers collect offerings, notify the children’s church leader & children when it’s time to go back into the sanctuary  (during the Passing of the Peace), take the wine and bread and offering plate to the pastor and guide people in an orderly fashion to get in line to receive communion. This duty requires training with Nancy Casner.      


Communion Basket Assistants – Two child volunteers each Sunday to stand next to volunteers assisting with communion and hold baskets for empty wine cups. After the last person has placed their empty cup in the basket, the children will then place the baskets back on the first chair and then walk over to receive communion from the pastor.


Children’s Church Leader – This person takes the children after the Children’s Sermon to the Children’s Faith Formation classroom for a lesson and activity.  Lesson plans are provided. Ushers will then call them back after the Sermon and Prayers have been completed.  This duty requires a safe haven training and background check; please contact Pastor Diana for information.


Chancel & Communion – There are two chancel volunteers per Sunday.  These volunteers usually come in on Saturday afternoons to prepare the wine cups and set up the altar and paraments according to color of liturgical season.  These volunteers also assist with communion on their scheduled Sunday. This duty requires training with either Karen Benuska or Debbie Gutierrez.


Hospitality – There are two hospitality volunteers per Sunday who bring snacks to serve after worship service.  Food can be as simple or as elaborate as the volunteers wish to bring. These volunteers typically arrive a bit early on their scheduled Sunday to set up table where the food is placed, put out plates, napkins, cups, etc.  As soon as they are done with communion during worship service, they leave to go to the fellowship hall and put out food and drinks before worship service is over.  Hospitality volunteers have the option of putting out plates, silverware and glasses which then have to be washed in the dishwasher and put away after they are washed or can bring paper plates, cups and plastic silverware if they do not wish to wash dishes after people are done eating.  Once everyone is done eating, the hospitality volunteers clean tables and throw paper plates, cups napkins, etc. Please contact Cindy Murray for any questions.


Counters – Offerings are counted after worship service each Sunday. Two counters should always be present when offerings are counted. Fill out a counter’s report with all contributions and any extra funds that came in on that Sunday.  Make copies of your counter’s report to leave for the financial secretary, and treasurer. This duty requires training with Nancy Casner.


Flowers on the Altar – There is a sign-up poster on the board behind the table with all name tags.  You can sign up to purchase flowers for any given Sunday in honor of a member’s birthday, anniversary or any other special occasions you would like to celebrate.  The cost is $35.00, and you need to call Xochitl Flowers to give them your payment 915-231-9787.  Nancy Casner graciously picks up the flowers on Saturday’s and brings them on Sunday morning to place on the altar.  Also, your name and reason for donating the flowers will appear in the announcements sheet on that particular Sunday.



If you would like to volunteer for one or more of these worship duties or be re-added to the volunteer list, please let Sandra Krassin know:  Training is available for all these roles.


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